How To Save Money and Time By Meal Prepping

With the average cost of going out increasing due to food costs rising many people have begun to look for alternatives and started cooking more at home as well.   According to the BLS the cost of food at home increased 3.5 percent since the pandemic while the cost of food away from home increased 4.5%.  The average cost of eating out can range anywhere between $2,000 and $3,500 spent for the year with the average American spending $3,000 a year eating out.

The pandemic led to more people cooking at home instead of eating out at restaurants for safety reasons.  Now that the pandemic has receded into the background many companies have begun mandating that employees return to work.  With the return to work, employees will not have less time on their hands to cook the food that the want when they want it.

One way that consumers can still have their food and cook it too is by meal prepping.  There are different routes that you can take to meal prepping and there are no steadfast rules.  Some people like to cook one large meal and divide the meal by the number of days they plan to eat that dish.  Other people may season their meats ahead of time with a plan to cook it a different way each day.  While you may be cooking each day the time spent cooking can be cut down since your main dish is already seasoned and there will be less dishes needing to be cleaned since all the prep work is down ahead of time.

If you’re a fast cook then simply preparing the meats ahead of time may be the route that you want to take. This way you can ensure that you cook the exact portions that you want to eat and you’re guaranteed a fresh meal every day.  You may also choose to prep all of your fresh seasonings that you want to use in your meals.  If  you’re a basic cook then preparing the meal you cook best may be the way to go and then dividing that meal that you only need to warm up when you’re ready to eat.

How Does Meal Prep Save You Money?

  1. Reduces dining out: When you have pre-prepared meals ready to go, you’re less likely to eat out or order takeout, which can be more expensive compared to cooking at home. By avoiding frequent restaurant meals, you save money on the higher prices associated with dining out.
  2. Buying in bulk: Meal prepping often involves purchasing ingredients in larger quantities, which can be more cost-effective. Buying in bulk allows you to take advantage of discounts and deals offered on larger packages or at wholesale stores. This way, you can save money per unit or per serving of food.
  3. Minimizes food waste: Meal prepping allows you to plan your meals and portion them accordingly. This reduces the chances of food going bad or being wasted because you can utilize ingredients more efficiently. With less food waste, you save money by making the most out of the groceries you purchase.
  4. Takes advantage of sales and seasonal produce: When you plan your meals in advance, you can keep an eye on sales and discounts at your local grocery stores. By incorporating these discounted items into your meal prep, you can save money on groceries. Additionally, buying seasonal produce is often cheaper, and you can plan your meals around these ingredients, further reducing costs.
  5. Efficient use of leftovers: Meal prepping often involves cooking larger batches of food, which means you’ll have leftovers. These leftovers can be repurposed into new meals, reducing the need to buy additional ingredients. Transforming leftovers into new dishes or incorporating them into different recipes helps save money and prevents food waste.
  6. Avoids impulse purchases: By having a plan and pre-prepared meals, you can avoid spontaneous trips to the grocery store where you might be tempted to buy items you don’t need. Having a list of ingredients and sticking to it reduces impulse purchases and saves money by keeping you focused on what you actually need.

What are some of the benefits of meal prepping?

  1.       Time-saving: Meal prep allows you to streamline your cooking process by preparing multiple meals at once. This means you spend less time in the kitchen during busy weekdays  and have more free time to relax or pursue other activities.
  2.      Money-saving: When you plan your meals in advance, you can make a shopping list and buy ingredients in bulk, reducing food waste and saving money in the long run.           Additionally, by avoiding last-minute takeout or restaurant meals, you can cut down on unnecessary expenses.
  3.     Health and portion control: Meal prep enables you to have better control over the ingredients you use and portion sizes, leading to healthier and balanced meals. You can     incorporate a variety of nutrient-rich foods, control added sugars and unhealthy fats, and customize meals to fit specific dietary needs or preferences.
  4.    Stress reduction: With pre-prepared meals waiting in the fridge, you eliminate the daily question of “What’s for dinner?” and the stress associated with last-minute meal decisions.       Meal prep brings a sense of structure and organization to your eating routine, reducing decision fatigue.

How To Get Started With Meal Prepping

  1. Planning your meals: Begin by deciding how many meals you want to prepare in advance and which days of the week you’ll be using them. Consider your schedule, dietary goals, and the number of people you’re cooking for. Start with simple recipes and gradually expand your repertoire.
  2. Developing a grocery list: Based on your planned meals, create a comprehensive shopping list. Include fresh produce, proteins, grains, and pantry staples. Stick to your list to avoid impulsive purchases and unnecessary expenses.
  3. Efficient cooking techniques: Optimize your time by multitasking in the kitchen. Simultaneously roast vegetables, cook grains, and marinate proteins. Utilize appliances like slow cookers or pressure cookers to save time and effort.
  4. Proper storage: Invest in high-quality meal prep containers that are freezer and microwave-safe. Portion out your meals and label them with dates for easy tracking. Consider investing in compartmentalized containers for convenient separation of different components.

How Meal Prepping Saves You Time

  1. Efficient Grocery Shopping (Word count: 140) One of the primary time-saving benefits of meal prep is streamlined grocery shopping. By planning your meals in advance, you can create a detailed shopping list, ensuring you purchase only the necessary ingredients. This eliminates impulsive purchases and time wasted wandering through supermarket aisles. Additionally, shopping once a week or less saves multiple trips to the store, freeing up valuable time for other activities.
  2. Quick and Easy Meal Preparation (Word count: 160) Meal prep involves dedicating a specific time, usually once or twice a week, to prepare meals for the upcoming days. During this focused session, you can chop vegetables, marinate meats, and cook grains in bulk. By preparing multiple servings at once, you minimize the need for repetitive meal prep tasks throughout the week. Simply reheat or assemble pre-prepared components, and your meals are ready to enjoy.
  3. Reduced Cleanup Time (Word count: 120) Preparing meals in bulk significantly reduces the number of dishes and utensils used throughout the week. Instead of washing pots, pans, and cutting boards every day, you can tackle them all at once during your meal prep session. This consolidation of cleanup time can be a substantial time-saver, leaving you with fewer chores and more time to relax or pursue other interests.
  4. Streamlined Decision-Making (Word count: 140) Have you ever spent an excessive amount of time pondering what to eat for each meal? Meal prep eliminates this decision fatigue by providing you with pre-determined meals for the week. By planning your menu in advance, you eliminate the need to think about what to cook, thus saving time and mental energy. Additionally, knowing that healthy and delicious meals are readily available reduces the temptation to resort to unhealthy fast food options.
  5. Increased Productivity (Word count: 160) With meal prep, you can say goodbye to the daily distractions and interruptions caused by meal preparation. By allocating a dedicated time slot for cooking and packing meals, you can optimize your productivity throughout the week. Whether it’s focusing on work, completing household tasks, or pursuing hobbies, meal prep allows you to allocate your time more efficiently.

Meal prepping is a great way to ensure that you know where all of the food you eat comes from, that the food is nutrient dense and healthy and not full of sodium.  It can take some time and effort at the beginning but eventually you start to get the hang of it and it’s easy to prepare all of your meals in advance.